A Buncha NunSense

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The weather keeps getting hotter these days...the thermometer said it was 90 degrees (inside) today. This week the phone and email has again been out for much of the time, but I'm back in contact again! I've done various things this week: Spent time at the orphanage and have presided over a couple of communion services for the parish. One of the high school students came looking for me on Sunday after Mass...he wanted me to attend a meeting in the afternoon with some of the Catholic students at the school. The meeting was to plan a party for Saturday of traditional dances, games, & food. I taught them a couple of games before--so they wanted my help to make it a "good party"! It's the first teen party where the teens actually asked me to come up with a BIBLE QUIZ for the party...ha! The simplicity of what makes the African young people happy is refreshing!

As I walked home from the orphanage today several young girls came up to me and asked if they could walk with me. They said "We would like to be your friend." We had a nice conversation for a few blocks until they had to turn off in another direction. There is also a group of very small children that I always see by the hospital shelter. I once stopped to shake their hands as they greeted me, so now every time they see me coming they run over to shake my hand and ask, "how are you"? They always put a smile on my face.

I leave on the bus on Wednesday for Mongu to get my visa renewed for another 30 days. I can't believe I've been here a month already...time is going by fast! I'm coming back to Kaoma on Friday to make sure I'm here for the big party on Saturday!!!


  • I can't believe that you have been there for a month already either! It is so good to be able to read about what you are doing, I am so happy that you are posting blogs.
    When you send pictures, try to include some of the food (so we can post it by our Food & Fellowship menu for the kids to see). Also, please let us know if we can send anything. I would love to be able to do a Children Helping Children program. I know it is probably easier for you to receive money, but it would be more fun for the kids here to put together some care packages. I just have no idea of what you need, or how to even ship it. Let me know if you have any ideas.
    God Bless you!

    By Blogger debg, At October 8, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

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