A Buncha NunSense

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Pictured above are the Immersion participants: Brother Mike Burke (ISC team, originally from South Africa), Adrian White (Portlaoise, Ireland), Don O'Leary (Cork, Ireland), Ruben Comotto Bsanta (Montevideo, Uruguay), Sister Deb Nelson (USA), and Mariela Pilar Uberti Serrat (Montevideo, Uruguay).
Hi Group! Miss you and wish you were all still in Zambia. You made a great experience even better! If you have any reflections to add to my posts please make some comments ...you all brought so much personal richness to our experience.
From October 25th -November 6th I participated in an Immersion Retreat Experience at the INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUALITY CENTER (ISC) in Lusaka, which is directed by the Christian Brothers.
An immersion experience challenges us to engage the realities of the world while reflecting on the values of human dignity and respect for all God's creation. We were exposed to issues of poverty and injustice while experiencing the unique culture and environments of Zambia, Africa. We engaged in direct service activities, participated in experiential learning, and made numerous site visits. The purpose of these visits was to help us see the world through the eyes of other people, especially those made poor and the marginalised

We had morning prayer and evening group sharing time to reflect about the people, issues, and realities we encountered. It is truly an experience that leads to a life-time of transformation.


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