A Buncha NunSense

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



On October 24th Zambia celebrated its 44th year of independence. It was formally the British colony of Northern Rhodesia, the country was developed purely for its vast copper resources. It was grouped with Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Nyasaland (Malawi) as part of a federation in 1953. Independence from Britain was achieved in 1964.

In celebration of Independence Day I was invited to the Presentation Novitiate house in Lusaka, where several young women from Zambia and Zimbabwe are training to become Presentation Sisters. We spent the day learning about oneanother's cultures through food, song, dance stories, drama and laughter! The sisters present represented the countries of Zambia, Zimbabwe, India, Ireland, and I represented the US.


  • Great to hear from you. i cant open my email. Is hotmail different? How are you holding up? Is the weather still really hot? We have alittle snow on the ground. Cloudy and cool. I'm not ready for winter. Well, hey, you wont have to worry about wearing a winter coat this winter. Not that you ever wore one anyway. Couldnt resist that one. jWe love to read your updates and pictures. Jordan got his senior pics. back, The boys are playing BB in the morning to get ready for their season. Kristen's going to the Aberdeen Y tourn. here in acouple of weeks. Well, I better go for now will post a note later. Lori

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At November 12, 2008 at 2:03 PM  

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