Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
I've mostly been going around with Teresa to the huts of people living with aids, TB and various other illnesses. She checks on their health, gives out some meds, checks to see if they have something to eat. The hunger situation right now if very bad and many are struggling to find something to eat everyday. Some have plowed their fields by hand for the growing season, but have no seed to plant.
One of the women we visited in a compounds was so sick that she was unable to stand. She was on the dirt floor of her hut crawling to get around and she had two young children. Her husband abandoned her when she got sick.
We also had a young woman stay at our house for a few days. She traveled with her severely handicapped sister and her little girl from the home for disabled children in Mongu. She was so sick when she arrived that we couldn't take her out to the village. She slept on a mattress on the floor in our house for several days and Teresa treated her. When she was well enough to go to her family's village we drove them much of the way. At one point there was no more road so she had to walk the rest of the way a long way into the bush. She had bags, her four year old daughter, and her 10 year old physically disabled sister (who had to be carried the whole way). Some family members walked from the village to help her carry her load.
There are two Zambian priests in the parish and they have persuaded me to help out with some youth programing while I'm here, so I'm helping with advent retreats, etc. The youth are beginning to drop by the house now looking for me to visit with them. The ability of even the younger children to sing, harmonize, go into parts, dance, amazing!!!!! They lift the rafters off the roof!