A Buncha NunSense

Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is the lodge I shared with Mariela and you can see the outdoor shower with the thatched fence to the left.

Each lodge had both an indoor bathroom and the option of an outdoor shower. These are photos of our outdoor shower.

The beds had mosquito nets around them which I was greatful for. It seemed all sorts of wild life was able to get into the lodge. We were visited by several frogs, lizards, insects and hunting spiders.

We completed the last few days of the immersion traveling to Livingstone in the southern province of Zambia. The drive took most of the day and a lot of the road is practically undrivable. The pavement was completely giving way to huge potholes that had to be dodged! We talked of how the view of this road would look from overhead with vehicles swerving to the more drivable parts of the road...which often meant driving on the opposite shoulder! The view from above must look like there is total chaos on that stretch of the highway.
While in Livingstone we stayed at the Livingstone Safari Lodge deep into the bush. We were able to see some of the natural beauty of the country. We visited a museum, the famous Victoria Falls and the gorges of the Zambezi River. We also took a river cruise up the great Zambezi and drove through a game reserve to search out some of Zambia's wild life. The only disappointment was not seeing any elephants, but we were in their natural habitat and not a zoo...which is what makes a safari so special! I was lucky enough to see a whole elephant heard on my way to Kaoma, but the rest of the group was a bit disappointed not to see any.


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